Enabling root user in Ubuntu Print

  • Enable, root, user, Ubuntu
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Instructions on how to enable root user in a newly installed Ubuntu server.

 The root user in Ubuntu is disabled by default because the password is not set.

 To enable root user:

 1. Set root password

customer@ubuntu:~$ sudo passwd root

Enter new UNIX password: # set password

Retype new UNIX password: # confirm password

passwd: password updated successfully

customer@ubuntu:~$ su -

Password: # enter root password


 2. Limit users to switch to root

root@ubuntu:~$ vi /etc/pam.d/su

 (Find line): #auth required pam_wheel.so

(Change to): auth required pam_wheel.so group=adm

 root@ubuntu:~$ usermod -G adm customer

 3. Enable root login for OpenSSH

 root@ubuntu:~$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

 (Find line): #PermitRootLogin no

(Change to): PermitRootLogin yes

 (Find line): #PasswordAuthentication no

(Change to): PasswordAuthentication yes

4. Restarting OpenSSH

 root@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/ssh restart

 root@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/ssh status


 Red text = input commands

customer@ubuntu:~$ = example of what may appear on screen depending on hostname assigned etc.

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